Monday, November 07, 2005

Clap your hands if you believe...

Saw "Finding Neverland" with Jenny yesterday. It restored my belief in fairies and strengthened my dedication to follow my own path in this life. Now I just have to find that path...

Yesterday I also ran 10 km for the first time in my life. The weather was GREAT and running felt really good. And doing something for the first time in your life gives you such a rush, doesn't it! I have never been the running type so this was an important milestone and a true victory over myself. And it was not even difficult!

I finished my Sunday evening with some Finnish cider and soul searching...

This morning it was pissing down rain and still I biked to work! Wrapped my laptop in a plastic bag and wore my dhl rain trousers on top of my business gear. That's Finnish SISU for you!


Anonymous said...

Wunderbar, hienoa!
Juokseminen on elämän nautinto - ja tehokas sekä huokea tapa pitää kuntoa yllä. Joko olet päässyt kokeamaan 'juoksuhumalaa' eli endorfiinien tuottamaa hyvänolon/nautinnontunnetta?

Me käytiin katsomassa Wallace&Gromit -leffa: hauska ja vauhdikas, täynnä huumoria ja hyviä detaljeja.

Summary in English: "Runners' high" is a very positive addiction and W&G-film is extremely funny.


Jussi said...

That's my little girl!
I'm very proud of you and also supportive for all kinds of milestones!
Luulenpa, että me molemmat olemme oikeaa polkua etsimässä. Tahoillamme. Kietoutukoot ne polut kauniilla tavalla yhteiseksi ja yksilölliseksi onneksi.
