Thursday, October 06, 2005

misty morning

I rode my bike to work this morning again. the Rhein was completely covered in mist, it was an eerie feeling riding along the river...I was completely surrounded by this thick whiteness, it was everywhere around me; even in me, coming out of my eyes and making me blink. Or maybe it was just my classes fogging up. I could hear the river boats' engines as they passed me on their way to their destinations. The sound's a soothing one, but their dark silhiutettes looked like ghosts, memories from a time not so long ago, when they ruled the world of transportation..

(a clever transition -nokkela aasinsilta)

...The modern reign of transportation was also completely covered in the dense fog. None of its 40 floors were visible this morning, not even as I entered its formidable cellar with my red companion. I think my floor is the nicest one in this building, but then again, it is MY floor. Today many people are travelling again, so it's quite empty and more calm than usually. I shall listen to some Liekki... Their music fits perfectly the nebulous feeling up here!


Anonymous said...

Jippii! Kajsa's blog found! I'm lucky read "hipsin viitseliäiden" friends' remarks on their life far away. Misty mornings here too. Cars have been slowing down on the way to work in the morning just because of the thick mist. The fall is at its best but I'll leave it for 4 weeks soon: work command to fix a ship again. Route this time starts from Bermuda, goes to Philadelphia and then we'll be stuck in the Bahamas. But I'll be reading yours and Jussi's blogs while sweating in the heat enhanced by a someone welding right next to my computer... Kivakiva, lissää tätä :)

M said...

Kaisita! Finally you are in the virtual world! We have to meet soon you know? Miss ya loads